Medical Equipments

A surgical instrument is a specially designed tool or device for performing specific actions or carrying out desired effects during a surgery or operation, such as modifying biological tissue, or to provide access for viewing it. Over time, many different kinds of surgical instruments and tools have been invented. Some surgical instruments are designed for general use in surgery, while others are designed for a specific procedure or surgery. Accordingly, the nomenclature of surgical instruments follows certain patterns, such as a description of the action it performs (for example, scalpel, hemostat), the name of its inventor(s) (for example, the Kocher forceps),[1]or a compound scientific name related to the kind of surgery (for example, a tracheotome is a tool used to perform a tracheotomy).

The expression surgical instrumentation is somewhat interchangeably used with surgical instruments,[2] but its meaning in medical jargon is really the activity of providing assistance to a surgeon with the proper handling of surgical instruments during an operation, by a specialized professional, usually a surgical technologist or sometimes a nurse or radiographer.

Medical equipment

  Diagnostic equipment includes medical imaging machines, used to aid in diagnosis. Examples are ultrasound and MRI machines, PET and CTscanners, and x-ray machines.

  Treatment equipment includes infusion pumps, medical lasers and LASIK surgical machines.

  Life support equipment is used to maintain a patient's bodily function. This includes medical ventilators, incubators, anaesthetic machines, heart-lung machines, ECMO, and dialysis machines.

  Medical monitors allow medical staff to measure a patient's medical state. Monitors may measure patient vital signs and other parameters including ECG, EEG, and blood pressure.

  Medical laboratory equipment automates or helps analyze blood, urine, genes, and dissolved gases in the blood.

  Diagnostic Medical Equipment may also be used in the home for certain purposes, e.g. for the control of diabetes mellitus

  Therapeutic: physical therapy machines like continuous passive range of motion (CPM) machines

A biomedical equipment technician (BMET) is a vital component of the healthcare delivery system. Employed primarily by hospitals, BMETs are the people responsible for maintaining a facility's medical equipment. BMET mainly act as an interface between doctor and equipment.

Healthcare Division

Medical Gases (Oxygen, Nitrogen, Nitrous Oxide, Carbon Di-oxide, Helium, Gas Mixture), Equipment (Delivery System, Oxygen Generator, Cryogenic Freezer, Oxygen Concentrator), Application (Respiratory Devices, Anesthesia, Medical Imaging).

   Medical Gases

           Pure Medical Gases, by Type


                             Carbon Di-oxide


                             Nitrous Oxide

                             Medical Air


           Pure Medical Gases, by Form of Delivery


High Pure Gases in High Pressure
Cylinders A, B, D Type.


Bundles Racks/ Cylinders Interconnecting Manifold System


Cryogenic liquid containers - Dewar flasks - Cryo can


Liquid Duro Cylinders Cryogenic product


1 KL Tank - Liquid (Cryogenic) Supply.


Bulk Delivery - Higher Capacity Tank(Vacuum insulated storage Tank)

           Medical Gas Mixtures

                             Blood Gas Mixtures

                             Lung Diffusion Mixtures

                             Nitrous Oxide-Oxygen Mixtures

                             Carbon Dioxide-Oxygen Mixtures

                             Laser Gas Mixtures

                             Aerobic Mixtures

                             Anaerobic Mixtures

                             Ethylene Oxide

                             Helium Oxygen Mixtures

                             Medical Gas Equipment

           Equipment Accessories

                             Vacuum Systems




                             Suction Regulators



                             Monitoring Systems (Alarms & Monitors)

  Oxygen Concentrators

  Gas Delivery Systems

  Cryogenic Products (Freezers)

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